Candy Bowers is a radical mischief-maker born of South African political refugees.
A true multi-hyphenate, Candy is a writer, actor, director, comic, lyricist, visual artist and craft nut (mainly crochet but collage is a close second.) In the early 1970’s her parents escaped Apartheid and settled in Australia, a place where teenage Candy couldn’t find jeans to fit her tremendous thighs let alone a bottle of Deva Curl. Part Black and part Asian with a sprinkle of Caucasian, Candy is a fluid shape-shifter who enjoys exploring her delicious multiplicity on the page, stage and screen.
Candy toured as the vocalist/clown for Circus Oz between 2015-2016 and ended up dead- lifting a woman above her head 6 times a week… for comedy!
Candy and her sister Kim Busty Beats Bowers are one of very few all-female (let alone all-Black-female) teams to exclusively write and compose a commercial musical, like ever in the herstory of the genre!
Candy started playing pants-roles in Elementary school and has been stealing parts from cis-men ever since.
Candy’s original stage work has toured the world for over a decade from Australia to South Africa to Australia to New York to Australia to Scotland.